FAWN Donations and Sponsorship Options

How to give to FAWN

Most of FAWN’s operating funds come from sources outside the University of Florida. As a result, we need your support! There are several different ways you can support FAWN.

Tax Deductible Gift Online

You can give online at the following location:

Tax Deductible Gift by Check

Please complete the Tax Deductible Gift form (link below) and return the form and a check to the address below (also on the form).

Click to download the FAWN tax deductible gift form

Send the completed form to:

Dean for Extension
University of Florida
P.O. Box 110210
Gainesville, FL 32611-0210


Please complete the FAWN Sponsorship form (link below) and return the form and a check to the address below (also on the form). We will then contact you about placing your company or organization logo on our website.

Click to download the FAWN sponsorship form

Send the completed form to:

FAWN Sponsorship
University of Florida
PO Box 110350
Gainesville, FL 32611-0350